Click Here for 2025-2026 Audition Music
Placement Audition Requirements
Audition requirements for the Marriotts Ridge Band program are as follows, and are based on the Howard County Instrumental Music Curriculum, Maryland Music Educators Association standards, and the National Music Standards.
Scale Requirements
Major scales will be selected from keys that may contain up to 4 sharps and 4 flats.
Woodwinds, Keyboard Percussion -A minimum of two octaves is expected when in the range of the instrument
Brass – One octave scales are expected except for a chromatic scale (see below).
All Instruments – At least a two octave chromatic scale of your choosing is expected
Prepared Music
Students auditioning for the Symphonic Wind Ensemble will perform prepared audition music. The music difficulty is at a Senior High All-State level. Private instruction is strongly recommended for students auditioning for this ensemble. Click Here for 2025-2026 Audition Music
If you auditioning for Concert Band, you may use selections from your current band music, solos, or private lesson material.
Important! Everyone who wants to play is accepted into the band program. There are no cuts. Private instruction is recommended for all students especially those wishing to advance to Symphonic Wind Ensemble.
Students who are not yet demonstrating basic skills , such as correct posture, hand position, tone production, rhythm and note reading, and basic scales may be placed in an Instrumental Ensemble class to reinforce these skills before placement in a performing group.
Notes for Percussionists
All percussionists are expected to demonstrate note reading and keyboard percussion skills.
In order to be considered for Symphonic Wind Ensemble, percussionists must demonstrate advanced proficiency on snare drum, timpani, and keyboard percussion. Private instruction is highly recommended.
Important things to consider
Balance of instruments is crucial for the groups to achieve the proper band sound. We are experiencing a significant shortage of brass players in our program
Because of this shortage, students who play over populated instruments like Flute, Saxophone, Clarinet will have much more competition for seats in the top level performing groups.
Everyone who has the desire to play, and is willing to honor their responsibilities and rehearsal commitments will be accepted into the band program, BUT if you play an over populated instrument, you may want to consider switching.
If you are willing to work at it and practice, it is never too late to consider a switch.
Instruments that are needed include French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba
During your audition, please let me know if you would consider switching instruments.
If you learn to play one of these needed instruments, you will have much more opportunity to advance as you progress through the Band program at Marriotts Ridge.
Although not required, private instruction is highly recommended on all instruments, especially students wanting to audition into Symphonic Wind Ensemble.